
Volunteer Opportunities

Kings River Cleanup

The Kings River Cleanup occurs on the third Saturday of every month, rain or shine. With your help and the help of volunteers like you, we can maintain the Kings River’s natural beauty for all to enjoy. We clean a different part of the lower Kings River each month so sign up below to stay in the know!

The next Kings River Cleanup is scheduled for Saturday, February 15th at 9am

Meeting Location: North Riverside Access Park/Kings River Wildlife Area

Driving Directions: Map/Directions

What to Bring: You, your family, and friends! Trash grabbers, trash bags, gloves, and water will be provided to volunteers. It is recommended to dress in layers.


More event details will be shared to those who fill out the form above. 

The Kings River Cleanup is a cooperative effort of the Kings River Conservation District, Kings River Water Association, CA Department of Fish and Wildlife, US Army Corps of Engineers, and Kings River Conservancy.

To receive notices of the Kings River Cleanup days and other fishery news sign up for email updates here, and select “Fisheries/environmental”.

Trout Incubator Building 


For over a decade, the Kings River Fisheries Management Program has seasonally (November-April) incubated rainbow trout fry for release in the lower Kings River. In 2012, the program was able to move operations from cement boxes along the river’s edge to a small incubator building below Pine Flat Dam. The building is equipped with two 15′ long rearing tables that accommodate two raceways apiece. The program charges the building with 100,000 – 150,000 rainbow trout eggs, up to three times annually when conditions allow. Once the eggs hatch, the trout fry rear for approximately six weeks before release.

This is an excellent opportunity to take part in the trout lifecycle. Scheduling is flexible (especially for students) and the trout incubator sits adjacent to a scenic walking trail and Put & Take fishing access on the Kings River. No experience necessary.

Annually trout are incubated, reared, and typically released in February and April.

Volunteer for Weekend & Holiday Care of Trout Fry

Volunteers are needed on days staff are unable, between January 18 – February 17, to tend to the trout incubator building. Most volunteers will spend one hour or less at the incubator at a time of their choosing. These volunteers will be required to go through a brief one-on-one orientation prior to volunteering, Dates for volunteer orientations will be coordinated individually, and scheduled on an as needed basis. This orientation provides volunteers new to the program an opportunity to discuss the program with staff and provides an opportunity for staff to be available on hand should any questions arise. Orientations typically occur shortly after the eggs hatch but can occur at any time depending on the needs of the volunteer.

During trout rearing the program relies on volunteers to help:

  • clean raceways
  • monitor trout eggs and fry
  • record water temperatures and flow
  • feed trout fry

Generally, only one or two volunteers are required per day.

Volunteer For Trout Fry Release

Once trout fry are ready for release (approximately 1″ – 1.5″ long) we rely on volunteers to help us stock them into the river between the Army Corps of Engineers Bridge and Avocado Lake Park. Volunteers should be able to transport 2-3 five-gallon buckets of trout fry in unheated personal vehicles (trucks preferable) and should be able to carry a 20-pound bucket over uneven terrain.

Generally, up to ten volunteers are required on this day and volunteer orientation is not required.

2025 Planned Fry Release Dates: 

February 20th and Late April (exact April date TBD)

Contact Lori Werner (KRCD Environmental Resources Analyst) for scheduling and additional information.
Phone: 559-237-5567 ext. 122
Email: lwerner@krcd.org

Fall Population Electrofishing Survey


The Kings River Fisheries Management Program asks you to join us for a day or two … or six to come fishing as part of our annual survey!

Whether you are an outdoor enthusiast, an aspiring environmental professional, or an experienced professional, this is a great opportunity to spend a day in the river networking with a great bunch of people.


The 2024 Electrofishing survey has been completed. Check back for 2025 dates!

Electrofishing is an all-day activity lasting from approx. 9:00am – 3:30 pm. While adverse weather or other unsafe on-site conditions may cause last minute cancellations, we typically survey rain or shine. We will notify participants as soon as possible in the event of a cancellation. Volunteers may sign up for one day or for multiple days as desired.


You! We need volunteers to help with the survey. All volunteers must be 18 yrs or older and in good physical condition. Please note, due to liability issues, volunteers not employed by Kings River Conservation District, Kings River Water Association or CA Department of Fish and Wildlife will not be allowed to operate the backpack electro-shockers.

What (to bring):

All necessary equipment will be provided. This includes waders, wading boots, and safety gloves. If you have them, you are welcome to use your own bibbed waders (clean and dry if used in other waterbodies) and felt bottomed boots (for safety reasons no rubber outsoles are allowed). Participants should prepare by dressing in layers as the weather can be unpredictable. Sunscreen, hats, jackets, polarized sunglasses, and a spare pair of dry socks are recommended. Most importantly, you will need to bring your signed waiver of liability!


All sites are located along Piedra Road between Winton Park and the Hwy 180 Bridge, Fresno County. Maps and directions will be sent out to all people who express an interest in participating. Please note that volunteers for the Avocado Side Channel will need to meet at the entrance to Avocado County Park by 9:00am so that you may be escorted through a locked gate into the site. Also, low clearance vehicles are not recommended for this site.


The annual electro-fishing survey provides the Kings River Fisheries Management Program with a snapshot of the fish assemblage present, population estimates for the species present in sample sites, and the health of rainbow trout within the fishery.

How do I volunteer?

Contact Lori Werner (KRCD Environmental Resources Analyst) for scheduling and additional information.
Phone: 559-237-5567 ext. 122
Email: lwerner@krcd.org

For other volunteer opportunities, go to the following links: