The stocking of fish in State waters is the responsibility of the California Department of Fish and Game, one of the program’s three partners. The regular stocking program of hatchery-raised catchable, sub-catchable, and fingerling rainbow trout is recognized by the program as an essential element in a fishery that is annually enjoyed by many thousands of anglers, both local and long distance travelers.
These plantings of trout have from time to time been further supplemented by the Fisheries Management Program. In addition, the Department of Fish and Game in 2005 began a practice of occasionally planting “trophy trout” of up to 9 pounds. Kings River anglers enjoy fishing for the larger sized trout and the program has been particularly effective in raising interest in angling among youngsters and others new to the sport.
The Kings River Fisheries Management Program has placed tremendous importance on enhancing habitat and encouraging natural fish reproduction, particularly of trout, but also continues to recognize the importance of stocking efforts to maintain healthy trout populations.